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Pro-Military, Anti-War

This is a picture of a protest in China in 2023. Protesters held up blank paper to express their ZERO freedom of speech. The Chinese government sends people to reeducation camps. The Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to their own people and maybe even to America. The simple answer to war is peace, love, and understanding. And BBQ. We need BBQ.

Protest in China

Hello, my name is Michael McCormick. I say be free and independent. Be sovereign. Own it. And we need universal healthcare. Dial it in.

You could eventually open a small business with an extra $1,000 monthly on top of your income. It could mean a mortgage on a house. Why can't solutions be simple? Although a saltwater engine involves complex engineering and mathematics, the concept behind it is straightforward, and that's perfectly fine. I have discovered practical solutions to everyday issues. That's precisely what politicians and leaders do - promote and advocate for solutions. God bless America and her allies. However, American corporations are going down a dark path of war profiteering; we are still the greatest, but are we the most ethical? I am not a complete Liberal. I have common sense. I believe in liberal conservatism, which is not being one or the other but instead a mixture of the two, like a mixture of Republican and Democrat. Keep Christ in Christmas and put the Bible in schools. Keep Fentanyl out of the USA. And we need transparency. Healthcare should be a right payed for by taxpayers just as a large military is a right paid for by taxpayers. "Dial-it-in" means streamline spending and make it work. Decrease all the taxes but keep the Income Tax in place to pay for certain expenses. We need less government.

The Occult World of Commerce is that the court system is Masonic. Black robes, the bench, and gavels in the courtroom are Masonic. The room to deal with people who have committed a crime should consist of their friends and family, and the people who were the victims. They should hash it out with a judge and the common law should be simple. There is no reason for there to be thirty violations when only two or three actual crimes were committed. Make it simple and just. The punishment should match the crime and prisons should be safe. End the costly war on drugs. Destroy the drugs and not the people. Destroy the Fentanyl by keeping it from entering the states from Mexico, India, and China.

War is a business, and we, the American people, pay for it with our Federal Income Tax dollars. Corporations sell warfare. The lobbyists strike deals with politicians. The companies that profit from war the most are LOCKHEED MARTIN, BOEING, RAYTHEON, BAE SYSTEMS, NORTHROP GRUMMAN, and GENERAL DYNAMICS. They are not evil. They are only a symptom of the times. We must stop the global war machine by joining the New Earth under God and Jesus Christ. And we should pave roads with recycled plastic and become carbon-negative.

What is UBI?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is not socialism but is capitalism, stimulated and focused. Don't vote Left or Right; vote Forward. Martin Luther King Jr. and Stephen Hawking both approved of UBI. So does Peter Diamond of MIT, many economists, and Harvard's conservative economics professor Greg Mankiw. Universal Basic Income all the way! We need a trickle-up economy where wealth goes through our hands first before we buy products and services from wealthy businesses. Millions would be lifted above the poverty line. There would be less poverty-related crime.

A Universal Basic Income (UBI) of $1,000+/month for life. You spend $200 at a store; another spends $400. The store becomes busier, and the people who work there get paid. The store receives so much more business that it needs more workers. The economy is stimulated. Millions of new jobs are created, and the GDP grows by approximately $4 trillion. The guaranteed income would increase annually, just like Social Security does today. This is because of regular inflation, not hyperinflation like what happened in Germany in 1923. We would be using money already in circulation, so hyperinflation would not occur. A candy bar in the 1930s America cost ¢10, and people's income was lower. A candy bar now costs around $2 because of regular inflation, which happens. The beast is government. I am not a vegan, but I do not like to financially or in any other way support the wholesale slaughter of animals. Especially the slaughter of animals in a callous way, like the Tyson corporation is doing today, in March of 2024.

We need a trickle-up, Universal Basic Income (UBI), and Social Security economy with tax breaks for the poor and middle class. No wealth tax. We don't need it. Let the wealthy enjoy being wealthy. Most of them worked hard for it. "The nine nations that abandoned wealth taxes did so because they are economically destructive, difficult to administer, and fail to raise sufficient revenue. When considering a wealth tax, it is important to dispel the myth that the rich do not pay their “fair share” of taxes." 


We need limited government with social safety nets. We need a European-style flat and not progressive Value-Added Tax that taxes raw material purchases made by corporations. Food, clothing, diapers, and female hygiene products would not be taxed. Trickle-down economic theory only works for the upper class. Instead of wealth trickling down, it pools in mansions and offshore bank accounts in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, etc. Like Martin Luther King Jr. said, we have socialism for the rich (corporate welfare) and capitalism for the poor. I am not proposing that we take from the rich and give to the poor. Not exactly. Instead, their purchases would put tiny slivers of cash into the UBI fund. I will keep saying this: A flat, European-style Value-Added Tax (VAT) works better than a progressive wealth tax that takes specifically from the wealthy and gives to the poor. The nine countries who tried the wealth tax, ended up abolishing it because it simply did not work. The VAT would take tiny slivers of money from billions and counting of transactions, and it would fund a Basic Income of $1,000/month as adjusted to REGULAR inflation. NOT hyperinflation.

The NRA is good. The Second Amendment is good. Undocumented workers make up a large portion of our economy. Completely streamline the government. Make it purr like a cat and run like an American pickup truck. Put government where it's needed. "Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil." - Thomas Paine (American Revolutionary). Thomas Paine sparked the American Revolutionary War in the Thirteen American Colonies with his pamphlet Common Sense in 1776.

I created Fraternal Circle Dot Com when I believed in a global conspiracy. But now, I think no one is in control. Some seek to control, like communist China. I do not hate the Chinese people.


Maybe I'll run for office someday.

Put me in office and watch me boost the economy, turn engines into saltwater tech, help bring peace to the Middle East and the globe, lower medication and healthcare costs, and pardon non-violent prisoners. Give them back to their families. Make the military spread peace propaganda campaigns instead of hate and retaliation. Declare that war is over! Force automakers to switch to saltwater or hemp ethanol as a fuel. Presidents can pardon non-violent prisoners. They can place bills on Capitol Hill before Congress. How do we progress as a nation? This keeps me up at night. Democrats and Republicans alike unite! We need a new JFK. We may even need free housing with utilities to be a human right for many people, like a good education is today. We need to dial in government spending to make it work. Cutting-edge solutions for everyday problems are always welcome. This is why Presidents need advisors. It takes a village to raise a child.


The politics of housing, like landlords, mortgages, and rent: I know that a very good man, a Quaker in Chester County named Deke, rented out a colonial three-bedroom (four including the attic) house for $550 a month for my brother's family. This was in a part of the state where he could have gotten at least $1,200 a month for rent. This enabled my brother's family to raise two beautiful girls and allowed them to save money for a house of their own.

Their neighbor had the same deal but paid $500 instead because the landlord took off $50 monthly for him mowing the lawn.

"Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn't want you to know something, it won't be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up." - George Carlin.

I have serious concerns about AI's future. A lot of it is wrong for humanity. It's bad for artists. We should learn to unplug now and again. Kids should play outside with rocks and sticks.

I've figured out many things in the world. Most politicians do what they do to be liked and hated by people (politicking); the bills on Capitol Hill can be less than 600 pages. Why not remove the bureaucracy, paperwork, and confusion from it all? We elect them and we eject them in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Saltwater or hemp ethanol engines, global anti-war campaigns, low taxation, more funding for public schools, cheaper medicine, and a Universal Basic Income. More affordable housing. It's all good and easy to do; it's just that we leave it up to the professionals who let us down time and time again. And then there's slumlords. Slummy people who take advantage of the decent.

We didn't need to invade Iraq, and when people spoke out against it, some news people said that critics didn't understand. What is there not to understand? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. And the Afghanistan War. The Obama Administration took out Osama Bin Laden in 2011, but we're still there. Killing and getting killed. Stop the big money-making war machine. It is up to the people to hold their leaders accountable during times of war. Follow the chain of command to the top, where you will find the people who order assaults and purchase weaponry. Let them join us!

Many people could agree that we should phase out fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carcinogenic. But electricity is not the answer. Batteries wear out over time, and it takes time to charge a battery. Electricity comes from burning coal. The answer to fossil fuels is either the saltwater-powered engine or the hemp ethanol-powered engine. I like the idea of 900+ saltwater engines and saltwater stations instead of gas stations. Hemp can be used to make paper products, healthy additions to food (hemp hearts), and plastic that is stronger than steel. We need to reduce the amount of plastic. Plastic hurts wildlife.


Wealth or currency in circulation could be redistributed to economically stagnant and depressed areas and members of the economy in the free market capitalist system. Socialism is that everyone gets a loaf of bread a week. It doesn't work. Communism or socialism, planned economies, don't work. They don't create innovation like capitalism does. I'm talking about advancing medicine and automobile technology, making it safer.

This is the Prison-Industrial complex, mainly for black males who pack jails. In American society, we've got ultra-violence in our minds. David Bowie wrote a song entitled "I'm Afraid of Americans. I'm afraid of the world." We need fewer criminal minds and more goodness and love, like good neighbors, bartering, and community gardens. The Occult World of Commerce is where employees of the state correctional institutions profit from our mishaps. The law of commerce has been superimposed over common law. Common law is where the punishment matches the crime but with clemency, as if Jesus were in the courtroom. I am only saying that if someone kills another without good reason, they should be in prison for life without capital punishment.

Corporations used to give workers pensions. The corporations used to work for their employees. I'm talking about in the 1960s. Now, it's the opposite. The employees work for the corporations, and CEOs make large profits. Employers need to pay employees more and give them health and dental benefits.

Machine wealth occurs when we let AI machines do much work for us for free and then, in return, get paid more for the profits that the machines help generate.​ Corporations will try to lobby against UBI and machine wealth being given to the people of the United States of America. We NEED to make sure that they do not successfully lobby against this. AI should never get to the degree of where the citizenry gets microchip implants in them that allow them to buy and sell in the market. Anyone WITHOUT the mark of the beast, 666, would become homeless.

Trickle Down Economics
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